Elena Lavellés is a visual artist, researcher, and filmmaker. Her work is research and fieldwork-based and explores the intersection between social and geological layers. These connections deploy a fabric of expanded political geology in which she focuses on the evolution of capitalism, the impact of natural and human resources exploitation, as well as social resistance movements from the colonial period until nowadays. In this process, she creates spaces of experience where photography, video, and sound are integrated with natural, sculptural objects and archival material to dive into an ecologic zone of interconnections.

Lavellés is a PhD candidate in Fine Arts in the Complutense University of Madrid, has been a fellow at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, completed her MFA in Photography & Media and Integrated Media from California Institute of the Arts -CalArts, studied an MFA in Contemporary Art from the European University of Madrid, and a degree in Fine Arts in the CES Felipe II (Universidad Complutense of Madrid). She also studied Philosophy and Geology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her work has been screened and exhibited in the Museum of Contemporary Arts Belgrade (Serbia), MeetFactory (Praga, Czech Republic), Elizabeth Foundation for Contemporary Arts (New York City, U.S.), Museo Alberto Mena Camaño (Quito, Ecuador), Institute of Contemporary Arts of Singapore (Singapore), Spanish Cultura Center in Mexico (Mexico City), Museo Carrillo Gil (Mexico City), Matadero Madrid y La Casa Encendida (Madrid, Spain) among others. 

Lavellés is the recipient of different prizes, grants, and residencies such as  the Grant for the Promotion of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Culture 2023 -FECYT,  the Spanish Royal Academy Residency in Rome 2021/2022 (Rome, Italy), Generaciones 2018 -La Casa Encendida, MonteMadrid Foundation (Madrid, Spain), BBVA Foundation 2017 Multiverse Grants for Video Art Creation (Bilbao, Spain), 2017 Blueproject Foundation Residency (Barcelona, Spain), 2017 Centre for Artistic Residencies Matadero Madrid, NYSCA 2017 Electronic Media & Film Finishing Fund Grant (New York, EE.UU), Excellence Fellowship from the Mexican Government for Art Production, 2015 (Mexico City, México), Efroymson Family Foundation Project Grant (Indianápolis, EE.UU.), Bartman Grant (Los Ángeles, EE.UU.) or Artist Residency Tropical Lab 8, 2014 (Singapore) among others.