“The screenplay is (…) as a building blueprint, it is not the building, but it is the structure of what it will be when built”.
Carlos Aldana.

The script is the basis of creating a history, a meaning, and, in the documentary field, assumes the function of embodying
a reality, becoming a beginning point towards an analysis of a problem through experimentation. In Atopical* Manifestos,
the absence of the characters linked not to an image, but a text, which allows a symbolic representation of the individual
inside the context. It dissolves the personal nature and develops an approach towards a common problem to an important
portion of Spanish society: the eviction.

Four cases allow us to fathom why through their own narration. They are a series of manifestos from misplaced people,
deprived of a place to live, that express an ideological and social claim. This reflects a desire for change towards
the recognition of certain social rights, that have been distorted thanks to the work of politics and mass media.

*Atopia (from the greek “without place”, “misplaced”)

Manifiestos Atópicos, 2014 Vídeo, televisión, mesa madera 97 minutos, 12 segundos.
Atopipcal Manifestos, 2014 // Video, TV, wood table // 97 minutes, 12 seconds.


Atopical Manifestos, 2014 Video frames 97 minutos, 12 segundos.
Atopipcal Manifestos detail // Video, TV, wood table // 97 minutes, 12 seconds.


Atopical Manifestos, 2014 Video frames 97 minutos, 12 segundos.
Atopipcal Manifestos detail // Video, TV, wood table // 97 minutes, 12 seconds.